Country: USA, France, Australia, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Nauru, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Fiji, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue; Water: Bismarck Sea 9/23/ · Mount Cook is the tallest mountain in New Zealand, and it features 23 peaks. The mountain served as a practice base for Edmund Hillary, who honed Planned maintenance The purchase of Travelex Money Card or cash will be unavailable between pm and pm on Saturday 26th June. Card reload is not affected, to top up: click here. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience
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Trading Room Mount cook forex Forex Forum. Login or Sign Up. Logging in Remember me, mount cook forex. Mount cook forex in, mount cook forex. Forgot password or user name? or Sign Up. Mt Cook Financial. Previous 1 2 template Next. Posts Latest Activity Photos. Page of 2. All Time Today Last Week Last Month. All Discussions only Photos only Videos only Links only Polls only Events only. Filtered by:. Mt Cook Financialmount cook forex, AM. Hey Guys, I've started a fresh thread for Mt Cook Financial MCF to give a bit more clarity on why I trade so much of my own capital there and continue to recommend themdespite their boutique offshore status.
I didn't want this key information to be lost in the middle of the old thread because we've got a specific collaboration in mind for later in the year and this information will likely be critical for you guys. Will and I have known Jake and Gavin from Mt Cook for several years now. I even stayed with Jake's family while I was in Canada in and both of them attended the Viper conference in Las Vegas last year. Jake is a pioneer of retail forex managed accounts, Gavin founded the ASLAN group the rebate provider from Donna Forex.
What's interesting is that they're actually indirect competitors or ours in many respects, but we continue to do mount cook forex lot of business with them primarily because we trust and understand how they operate.
Gavin, I'll throw the floor over to you here, but let me start off by asking a couple of questions that will likely come up: Why are you regulated in South Africa? Are there any capital protections in place? Why did you guys decide to start a brokerage? How many staff do you have at MCF? How can potential new, mount cook forex, or existing clients get in touch with you? Click here to check out the most popular forex channel on YouTube.
Tags: None. Thanks for the introduction Nick. Please excuse the length of this initial post I promise I won't always be so long-winded however we recognize each trader's broker decision is an important one, mount cook forex. I want to share a bit of our story and provide as much insight as possible into our operations and more importantly the ethos that underlies Mt. Cook Financial. I first started trading FX in and as Nick mentioned I founded a company called The Aslan Group along with my father and my brother that was one of the pioneers of the cashback rebate industry.
We opened shop in and over the years have had privilege of working with thousands of clients. Our philosophies have always been very counter-culture, especially for this industry, as we never mount cook forex to measure success by growth. We focused instead on building goodwill through meaningful relationships and dedicated service at the client level.
It wasn't a fast process, but over time The Aslan Group grew into a strong and trusted brand. Despite never marketing we didn't even have a website lol our approach resonated with traders who were tired of gimmicks and were looking for something substantive. In lateI was approached mount cook forex consult on mount cook forex broker start-up and that role quickly evolved into something more hands-on, mount cook forex.
I was able to help set the broker's mandate; to help steer the ship, using the same core values that guided Aslan and was given full oversight in terms of operations. It probably goes without saying, that the broker was Mt. By design, the path for Mt. Cook has been very similar to what we implemented with Aslan.
The owners also have vast experience in the FX industry and we started out by working with a very close circle of clients from our personal networks. We didn't advertise Mt.
Cook and actually took measures to narrow our prospective client base; we all understood the virtues of growing slowly and earning trust through actions. If this was Aesop's fable, we'd be the tortoise At the foundation of Mt.
Cook is the principle that our goals and the goals of our clients must be aligned; this made for an easy decision when it came to choosing our execution model. Several years ago, mount cook forex, I had the opportunity to take part in one of the very first binary options white labels. It was clear that the profit potential was incredible however, mount cook forex wanted to leverage the strength of mount cook forex Aslan brand; my job would be to entice clients into binary options bonuses, big returns etc.
The odds here are stacked so heavily against the clients that eventually the law of averages will transition the capital from most trading accounts to the broker's coffers. In hindsight my decision to turn them down wasn't a smart financial move but morally, this was not how I wanted to earn a living. This is precisely why I was so excited to work with Mt. Cook, implementing a model that welcomed profitable trading, mount cook forex, and alongside a management team that embraced the values we used to build Aslan.
Regulation: I don't know if everyone's father is like this, but mine is full of metaphorical idioms lol. In addition to being my Dad he has been my business partner for the last 15 years so I've gotten to hear a lot of them which we now affectionately refer to as "Kevinisms" lol Kevinism 1 - "If there's an elephant in the room, you may as well introduce it" here not. We are not ones to put resources towards building a glossy exterior. Instead we direct our focus and capital towards improving liquidity, execution, and providing an optimal trading environment and experience for our clients.
Our mandate is simple. Every advantage afforded to us through our structure flows uphill and is passed on to our clients and partners. What we are. Comment Post Cancel. Hi Gavin, Who is providing prime broker services for Mt, mount cook forex. Feed Related Questions 1. Who are your Liquidity Providers? Who are your Prime Banks? What is a DMA feed? How does this differ from an ECN, mount cook forex, or a Market Maker? Its not "pre-packaged".
The liquidity nodes in our feed are aggregated using xCore, which is a smart order routing and pricing engine. Filtering, and processing capabilities are minimal in comparison to most ECNs. Trade execution is instantaneous, and immediate with no last look to price makers, so all trades are final and mount cook forex as soon as they are dealt. Liquidity is customizable, and the quotes stream in an anonymous, neutral trading environment. Others and Hybrids: As if this is not confusing enough, it can get even more complex, as there are some brokers who are so big that they are their own ECN AND Market Maker AND have DMA fees, AND house various private pools and hybrids.
They can aggregate different streams of their OWN book create different DMA aggregates, ECN pools, off-makret pools, mount cook forex, mount cook forex b-books etc This essentially means that some of them have the ability do whatever they want with your trading flow in terms of how its directed.
What are the negatives of a DMA feed? quite literally Which model is best for me? This is really a personal preference.
In our opinion all of these have their place in the market mount cook forex well as mount cook forex advocates and detractors. Our DMA feed has very competitive spreads, in particular on the currency crosses. It is generally designed for depth, mount cook forex, and large ticket trading in the real market, requiring good per tier liquidity on fills and exits this is the primary purpose of our feed. ECNs and market makers are generally known as being ideal for small ticket sensitive trading styles where quotes are smooth and uniform.
For most however, the difference will be negligible. However it is important to understand that even so, mount cook forex, they ARE differentespecially when comparing execution from one broker to another. Who bridges your liquidity to MT4? Our feed is bridged with the PXM Bridge and xCore is used as the price engine aggregator and SOR. Where are mount cook forex servers located?
Equinix LD4 London, United Kingdom. Is there a delay in your market mount cook forex time? This is again specific to our feed. a new rate, and b. if that rate is different from the last. Do you accept American Clients? Last edited by MT. COOK ;PM, mount cook forex. Hello, Is possible to get commision like Nick 2. Hey guys, I just sent Gavin a querie about their reduction in leverage as we head into Brexit.
So currently your account is at and you have
, time: 6:22Mt Cook Financial - Forex Forum - blogger.com

Acquisitions seeking a Manager/Visual Merchandiser for Palmerston North store. NZ owned and operated, we have a strong, loyal customer base 5/31/ · MTCookFinancial is an online forex broker. MTCookFinancial offers to trade forex, indices and metals on MetaTrader 4. MTCookFinancial accepts clients who meet any one or more of below requirements. $1, USD (or equivalent) minimum deposit. Monthly trading volume greater than 50 standard round turn lots.5/5(5) Country: USA, France, Australia, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Nauru, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Fiji, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue; Water: Bismarck Sea
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