Aug 17, · Profit Forex signals runs four packages; the Standard , Professional , Ultimate , Pearl Usually, these packages should be $, $, $ and $ But this blogger.com offers them between $99 and $ Profit Forex Signals are not very generous when it comes to information regarding how their system blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins May 23, · I was scammed, cheated and lied by Profit Forex Signals (TEAM) I have paid $USD for this service alone and I opened account of $USD as they recommanded and lot AFTER 6 DAYS OF USAGE OF THEIR ULTIMATE AUTO TRADER MY 1/5(10) rows · May 09, · Profit-Forex Signals offers trading signals that range in price from $ 1/5
Profit Forex Signals Reviews - 56 Reviews of blogger.com | Sitejabber
An outright Forex trading scam. The scheme is to churn and burn the trading account of the victim as quickly as possible. The hyperactive trading activity creates the illusion of fast and steady profits, however the truth is that there is no trading system. Performance reports submitted to MyFxBook. com are bogus and meant to lure in the inexperienced and gullible. What is Profit-ForexSignals. The company is a Forex auto trading service that markets aggressively on MyFxBook.
A person opens an account from a list of available Forex brokers, and then authorizes that the signals are to be auto traded without the discretion of the account holder. The company is a one person operation that is solely owned by a 33 year old Croatian named Ninoslov Golubovic. You will find his Facebook profile at the following page. Although the website proclaims to have multiple employees, all profit-forex signals scam review Forex traders, profit-forex signals scam review.
We were actually only able to confirm Ninoslov and his wife, Anna. The website is very well presented and contains a very compelling profit-forex signals scam review presentation. The website also claims that since inception, there profit-forex signals scam review been zero losing months since Below, you will notice a web profit-forex signals scam review that Profit-ForexSignals. However, notice that the website proclaiming these awards, Emporium Trading is no longer active.
However, a quick DNS and Archive. Org search reveals that the website is actually just an extension of Profit-ForexSignals. com and was actually controlled by Ninoslov Golubovic. A fake website created by Ninoslov Golubovic that fraudulently misrepresents the trading performance of Best-ForexSignals.
The company claims that since the trading signals have been Obviously, this is one of those situations where if it sounds too good to be true, then its probably a scam.
Since midI have been receiving a steady trickle of complaints from various individuals that tell a remarkably similar story. Probably the best overall representation of those complaints can be found from a person that filed a complaint on ForexPeaceArmy. The heart of the complaint is as follows:. I have all their e-mails and notifications which promised me to GUARANTEE pips monthly or ALL MONEY BACK!
As you can read, this complaint is very distressing and the person that wrote this compliant obviously feels betrayed. However, this complaint is just one of many. Every once is a while, I get a complaint that is so astonishing that it challenges the realm of what is believable. In AprilI received yet another complaint about Profit-ForexSignals. Hopefully, it will serve as a warning to the trading community. The owner of the company showed him what looked to be actual account statements and guaranteed a minimal amount of performance or a money back guarantee.
The following graphic was the supposed system performance overview that the trader was supposedly investing in. A near perfect equity curve. Obviously, this a very compelling equity curve. This is the equity curve that every trader dreams about. Yes, the monthly subscription fee was certainly high. It all sounded great, profit-forex signals scam review. The trader was then instructed to open a Forex trading account with a highly recommended Forex broker named, profit-forex signals scam review, HotForex.
Doing this took a huge leap of faith, and what happened next can only be described as horrifying. On the very first day of trading, there were an amazing 60 trades profit-forex signals scam review. Nearly every single trade entered. and exited was targeting only one pip in profit. And so, after day one, there was a tremendous amount of commissions paid to HotForex. There was also a handful of tiny winning trades where the system was able to accumulate one pip profits, and a handful of trades that were underwater and continued to bleed the account.
By the 3rd trading day, the system has executed an astonishing trades. You can probably imagine the amount of commissions paid. Once again, there was profit-forex signals scam review long list of tiny winning trades, and then a cluster of massive losses. In only 72 hours of trading with Profit-ForexSignals.
com, the customer had lost nearly half of his trading account. On the 7th day of live trading, the system had now executed over trades. On the 10th day of live trading, the system had now executed profit-forex signals scam review trades. Many readers might not believe this sad tale, I certainly had a hard time believing it. And so the person sent me the account statements directly from HotForex.
I then imported that trades into the following spreadsheet, where you can view and witness the financial carnage. As you can imagine, the customer was very upset. After the account was drained to zero. He next contacted Forex-TradeSignals. Ninoslav Golubovic agreed to immediately stop the service. The customer then contacted Ninoslav Golubovic to complain and have the charge reversed.
The customer was then given a wide range of excuses and apologies and was told that the charge would be reversed in only a few days. Amazing stuff folks. Some readers are probably trying to figure out how these bogus results were able to be slipped into the supposedly, fool proof MyFxBook.
Let me explain how the scam works. What Ninoslav is doing is continuously adding and removing trading systems on MyFxBook. At any given time, he has dozens of trading systems that are feeding hypothetical, simulated trading results into MyFxBook. com, if the systems are performing well, then he publishes the results to the public audience. However, profit-forex signals scam review, the very moment that the trading systems begin performing poorly, he then removes it and replaces it with yet another system that is currently working.
The net effect is the appearance that his systems are robust and excellent performers. However, the truth is something entirely different. After reviewing the trading records on MyFxBook. com and the trading records of the victim, it is painfully obvious how Ninoslav is pulling off this scam.
His systems are not even trading systems, there is no trading logic whatsoever. They simply enter a random order to buy or sell a market order for any particular Forex currency. The system then attempts to profit only a single pip.
If the system is not able to fill for a one pip profit, then on the very next minute, it then repeats the process and doubles the original position. It continues to do this until the trading account has reached the maximum allowable leveraged position.
This is a classic martingale type system that attempts to double the original positionand continues to add to a losing position until the account is fully leveraged. However, sometimes the market refuses to give up that single pip in profit and it runs against the account holder. As you can see from the above account statements, the positions either liquidate at one pip profit, or the account is wiped out at full broker margin.
Very ugly stuff. By simply applying some basic statistical mathematics, we can very easily deduce that the trading systems of Forex-TradeSignals. One of two possible outcomes are the only possibility; option one is that the account becomes fully leveraged and loses in one grand string of losses, or option two is that the account is ground down to zero because of the cost of commissions. The math does not lie. com is a Forex broker sponsored website.
They give the veneer of providing a clean profit-forex signals scam review transparent performance viewing of different trading vendors. But the veneer is false. The true motivation is to provide a platform where swindlers and hustlers can continuously ply their bogus trading systems to the general public. The dynamic is simple, a person finds a trading vendor on MyFxBook, profit-forex signals scam review.
com and then opens an account with one of MyFxBook, profit-forex signals scam review. How dirty are the Forex brokers? Most are very dirty. In fact, most people are not even aware that Forex brokers are the counter party to most of the trading activity.
In other words, when you are taking a trade, you are betting against the casino operator. Much like a casino takes the other side of your bet, the same is true with Forex brokers. For this reason alone, I am very leery of Forex and prefer to trade on open exchanges, profit-forex signals scam review, where my trades are matched with other traders. Betting against the casino has a long and verifiable history of having disastrous outcomes.
What do I mean by this? In this review, remember how the client was recommended to open and account with HotForex.
Profit Forex Signals review
, time: 0:46Profit Forex Signals Review: Complete Scam or Best Forex Signal Provider? - SabiReviews

I have been using profit forex signals I have been using profit forex signals services for two years. I got a couple of problem during first three months, but after that I have learned and got it everything. I have been getting two or three forex alerts via SMS for 17 months. I will continue using PFXS. Thanks5/5() I never use forex signals I never use forex signals, but my friend recommend to enter in forex market and get the benefits. My friend has been using $ subscription plan and he told me that profit forex signals offering summer discount and it's very good chance to learn about forex signal because with one new subscription plan, I got two more months free and I got enough time to learn about it.5/5() 55 reviews for Profit Forex Signals, stars: 'By far the most honest and real signal service you will be able to find in the swampy Forex trading signal-robot-alerts arena. They offer a trader who can send his trades out each Europe morning session and North American that's usually a couple trades per day. Consistent more than pip per month as many have said here. So yes, it's
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